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Battle Field
1. Visit the event in the game and you will find this map
2. Discover six amazing outfits and hairstyles as a reward in each marked square
3. Click the square to see the reward outfit with a hair
4. Move step by step to reach the square
5. Every three hours you can make a free move, thus closing the next outfit.
6. If you are out of patience, then you can pay 2 diamond
7. In order to winning the reward, you need to defeat the superhero and win
8. Get superpower potions to increase your chance of winning (cost dollars, ems or diamonds)
9. Once you win, the outfit and hairstyle is yours
10. If you lose, you can defeat again for free after 10 hours, or pay 10 diamonds to challenge now
11. This kind of event lasts for 14 days
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