Sending your lady on a vacation is an option which allows you to leave your lady while you are away for a long period of time and you won’t be able to play the game.
While in a vacation your lady can’t be challenged on the Fashion arena by other ladies, you won’t receive dollars from your apartment and other players won’t be able to vote for your lady and her apartment. They can’t also send you personal messages and comments. But if you have gained rating enough for any of the contests (Podium, Apartment contest, and FTV Catwalk), you will take your place and will receive your reward even while you’re away.
Your boyfriend’s happiness and affection won’t be changed and you’ll find them on the same stage as you’ve left them. Also your energy will be refilled up to its maximum.
The activated bonuses you have from the VIP shop (popularity bonuses, maximum energy bonuses, and talents) will still be active while you’re away – their effect will continue until they expire.
You can activate your vacation if you don’t have another active process (working, searching for supermodels, and participating in a photo session) and if you don’t have a supermodel found and waiting for your decision – challenging or giving up.
The maximum duration of the vacation is 20 days (it will be automatically over 20 days after activation). You can stop your vacation at least 48 hours after its activation for free. If you want to stop it in the first 48 hours after activation you’ll have to pay in diamonds. The minimum duration between two vacations is 48 hours (this means that you can activate your vacation again at least 48 hours after the previous one expires).
You shouldn't be worried for your lady when you have to leave her. Send her on a vacation and she will take a good care of herself. She’s a wise girl and won’t disappoint you so when you’re back you’ll have your time again together.