Daily Task
10 tasks to complete in a day, with $ or 1 XP as a reward for each task. You will also be rewarded with more dollars (the amount of $ is based on your level) if you complete all 10 tasks. Remember to collect the rewards before 00:00 AM server time.
Spin Wheel
You have one free spin everyday. You can gradually unlock all gifts until you online for 30 days. The progress will be back to start if you miss a free spin. You need to spin this everyday. The dollar reward you get will multiple by your level! (update 26/06/18)
Daily Tasks & Spin Wheel
Hovet at My Lady > click on Achievements
You will get with variative reward each time you reach the goal.
The rewards are dollars, emeralds, energy refil, hairstyle, clothing, furniture and an unique pet, profile background and look.
The image of furniture and clothes isn't the actual rewards you will get, it's just to show what kind of reward it is. Click the image to see the picture of the rewards you will get when you meet the goal.