LP has their contest in three categories (Lady Podium, FTV catwalk and apartment contest). Winners will get unique crowns/statuettes and emeralds as a reward. Three Ladies with highest rating win great rewards and take their place on each categories.
The votes reset for everyone around 3 or 4 PM server time, Lady Podium on Wednesdays, FTV catwalk on 1st every month and Apartment Contest on Mondays.
It's really difficult to get to the top in these contests, but it is fully possible. What you have to do is vote for as many ladies as possible, and let them know that you did by leaving a comment/PM. Please note that sharing your vote, by writing things like "max votes, max stars, +3" etc is strictly prohibited, also ask for vote for your lady or your friends. It can get you punished. Just tell them you like their style/apartment or wish them have a nice day. Make sure you vote for these ladies every day, and they will do the same for you.
Once again, DO NOT EVER ask for votes, say how you have voted, or use words such as supported, max, stars, returned, rated, visited or reciprocated as these are all violations and will be reported by someone at some time. These reports can lead to being muted or banned depending on the opinion of the admins. Being muted means you can still play but can't communicate at all in the game. But being punished (banned) is much worse & is much like putting your doll on vacation, as you can't do much of anything at all in the game during this period.
Lady podium
FTV catwalk
Apartment contest
Party with the most vote will win, and the host will be rewarded with 500 emeralds.
There are ranking for ladies with most XP, duels and dollars won. Also a ranking for clubs.
You can vote other ladies -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4 by clicker the star. If the lady has won all the prizes, she can not be voted anymore in particular contest. The voting is anonymous, but it is not nice to vote someone negative. Once you caught up, she will stop visit you.
The only way to get vote is to give.
Beside making new friends and participate in Game Contests in order to get to the podium, you can get fashion point to increase your popularity skill from giving a vote to other player.
In level 19, you will have more features; a gear icon in near the voting stars, click and a window of your settings for vote appears.
Buy Charisma talent to boost your chance winning the contests.
Ladies can vote for you with rating points
from -1 to +4.
For 1 week. Price: 10 diamonds
Will be used automatically (no need for activation) as soon as you purchase it.
Can be combine with Charismatic club talent, your rating points will be 1-5. (no negative vote!)
Lady podium rating resets every Wednesday, rewards : emeralds and unique crown (wardrobe)
Bronze 50 Emeralds Silver 80 Emeralds Gold 100 Emeralds
FTV catwalk rating resets every 1st at month, rewards : emeralds and unique crown (wardrobe)
Bronze 50 Emeralds Silver 80 Emeralds Gold 100 Emeralds
Apartment contest rating resets every Tuesday, rewards : emeralds and unique statue (furniture > Decoration)
Bronze 50 Emeralds Silver 80 Emeralds Gold 100 Emeralds