Fashion Arena
Challenge other player takes 1 energy (energy bar on #1 picture)
Duel can be done between ladies with same level or 5 levels higher/lower
You can challenge/being challenged by same lady up to 5 times a day
You can search lady to challnge in 3 categories; weaker, equal or stronger popularity (#2 picture)
You can search lady to challenge based on their level for 3-10 diamonds (#3 picture)
The winner is based on the popularity skills, not by the levels.
When you find a lady that lose much dollars to youin FA, you can add them to your opponent list (Go to her profile > add as opponent)
Challenge and being challenge is the part of the game, it is how this game works. You can win dollars and experience points from winning a duel in FA.
How to win a duel in FA?
Search in WEAKER category
Compare your and her popularity status, if you win in at least 4 Popularity status, you're likely gonna win the duel
use popularity bonus
Make sure the opponent isn't using popularity bonus (Green arrow icon as shown in left picture below)
Increase your popularity but slow down leveling up
1. Higher leveled ladies give you more money than lower ones.
Same/higher level gives 35% of the money that she's holding at the time of the duel.
Lower level gives 25% of the money that she's holding at the time of the duel.
2. You will get experience point(s) from duel.
1 XP from winning over ladies with same level.
2 XP from winning over ladies with 1 level higher.
3 XP from winning over ladies with 2 level higher.
2019-01-10 13:19:08
Hey ladies!
We would like to inform you about a few improvements on the Arena.
The attacker in a duel will receive a minimum amount of dollars, depending on their level, regarding the money that the defender has at the moment.
"Opponent not found" will be no longer an issue!
If there’s no weaker opponent found within the possible level range to attack, a non-player character (bot) will come to the rescue.
The duels with bots will be counted for the daily tasks and party missions.
We hope you like the new changes!
Have fun!
You will get a minimum amount from duel based on your level. Your level x 20$,
example: if you're level 35, you will always get at least 35 x 20$ = 700$ from every duel you make. Even though your opponent only loses less money than what you get.
You can find bot in weaker opponent that will give you the minimum amount of duel (your level x 20$) when there is no one to challenge.
You will win
You will lose
From same club
Use CAR bonus to boost her pop skills.
Use pop bonus to boost pop skills.
The opponent's skills shown doesn't include the bonuses they might use.
These aren't her "actual" skills at the moment.
These just her permanent skills + club's bonus.
Our skills shown is the actual ones, with any bonuses we use at the time.
1. Do NOT save dollars. (here's an example of player who I'll happily meet again in an hour at Arena)
2. Every once in an hour you can be challenged by other lady and you will lose your dollars. The more dollar you have, the more dollar they get when they beat you at Arena. You will be known as "whale"/"feeder" who gives up much dollars and they will keep challenging you (up to 5 times in a day). Use your dollars to increase popularity skills instead​
3. DO increase your popularity skills, but SLOW DOWN leveling up. Players can only challenge a lady that in 5 different levels (5 levels higher/lower). Try to be the strongest player in such "radius".
4. Pay attention to your SAFE HOUR, when you just get challenged by someone (Message > Fashion duels > find message "you were challenged by..." ) check the time, because exactly an hour after you were challenged, your safe hour will end. A player can be challenged once in an hour.
Or, you can find your challenge-budy who will give you protection by challenge you and LOSE so you'll get another one safe hour.
Super Models
You can also challenge a Super Model, you win dollars, emeralds and experience points if you win. Super Models aren't other player, but they are from the game itself.
Challenge SM takes 2 energy
You might need to use popularity bonus(es) to beat a SM (Buy one at VIP shop > Popularity Bonuses, they cost 3-12 emeralds/diamonds)
Need 20 minutes to find a SM, you might faild and try search again
They are sometimes hard to find, but you can use boosters (VIP Shop > Super Models Equipment)
MAGAZINE 1500$/15 pcs
Decreases time needed for searching supermodels with 50%.
GYM CARD 800$/10 pcs
Increases your chance to find a supermodel with 10%.
DUMBBELLS 500$/10 pcs
Increases your chance to find a supermodel with 5%.
*These boosters are automatically used when you search for an SM.
Photo Sessions
The main source of emeralds is from participating a photo session.
Participate in PS in order to get emerald(s) is energy free
Need 20 minutes to prepare a PS before you try and get (or you may not get) an emerald or two (with club photogenic bonus, you have a chance to get 2 in one PS)
Before you try, there is percentage on how possible you success a PS. Keep in your mind this is only percentage; if you get 20%, you still might get an emerald, if you get 85%, there is still 15% of chance you don't get an emerald.
You can use booster (VIP shop > Photo Session Equipment)
PORTFOLIO 1500$/15 pcs
Decreases photo session's duration with 50%.
CAMERA 800$/10 pcs
Increases your chance to win emeralds from a photo session with 10%.
POWDER-CASE 500$/10pcs
Increases your chance to win emeralds from a photo session with 5%.
*These boosters are automatically used when you participate a PS.
Send your lady to work, and you will get dollars and experience points (1 XP per 1 hour working). The job you have depends on your level. The higher your level is, the higher salary you get.
You can choose how long your lady work from 1 to 8 hour(s)
Salary you'll get is per hour, eg. if your lady works for 2 hours but you stop it at 1 hour and 40 minutes, you'll get salary for an hour
While your lady is working she won’t be able to challenge other ladies on the Fashion arena, or participating in any of the FTV appointments – participating in a photo session and searching for supermodels to duel
Always send your lady to work when you're not going to be online for long time, before you sleep or before you go to school/work in real life. You will get much dollars when you're back online. Unless you're avoiding getting the experience points.
When you unlock a new job, you will need to buy required outfit at Mall > Connection. Those clothing item does not give you fashion point.