Lady Club
The ladies who want to become a part of Lady Club have three options:
Create their own Lady club
Click on Lady Club icon
Give an unique name to your club (max 15 characters)
Write a description for your club (max 250 characters)
Pay the fee; 300 emeralds/30 diamonds
You will have a logo for your club, you may keep it or change it for 30 emeralds
You can rename your club's name for 50 emeralds
All skills start at zero
You'll automatically have the role of president
Make rules about your club (you may need to create a website for your club)
Invite ladies to became a member
Hover at contest > click on ranking > click on Lady Clubs. All clubs is here, sorted by club's fame point.
Check if there is an empty seat available (#1 picture shows the member of its club are 49/50, 1 empty seat avalable).
Find a club that suits you, research a club before applying to it, check the skills of the members, read the description, go to their website if they have one.
You can send your application, click --------------------------------- tell a little bit of yourself in your app.
You can apply to other club while waiting tor the answer, but do not apply to more than 3 clubs at a time.
Only the president receives your application. Nobody else in the club sees it or knows about it.
You will be the member of the club as soon as the president accept your app.
You will get a message tells you to move on & apply to another club if the president reject your app.
If you apply to a club & never get an answer (rejected or accepted), it means that president simply deleted your app. You won't know this cause it just goes away.
Remember to follow the club's rule.
Apply to an already existing one
Accept an invitation from a Lady club
If you choose this option, you will have to wait for a club to choose you and invites you. You will receive the invitations in your Club messages. Once you accept an invitation, all active invitations sent to you become unavailable.
Leaving a Club
If you are currently a member of a club, you can leave anytime by clicking x icon below your name in Clubs > Members tab.
After you left a club, you will have to wait 3x24 hours before join another club (create a club, accept invitation or apply to a club)
If you are kicked from the club, you will have to wait 2x24 hours before join another club (create a club, accept invitation or apply to a club)